LESSON 3-3 : Drawing Rectangles

Drawing Rectangles

It takes only two clicks to draw a rectangle in SketchUp. Of course, rectangles are surfaces, so when you’re done drawing one, SketchUp will color it as a surface.

Bear in mind that according to SketchUp rules, no rectangle should ever cross another rectangle or any other edge, for that matter. However, it’s fine to draw a rectangle so that an edge lies on top of an edge from another figure, such as another rectangle.

Here’s how to use the Rectangle tool:

  1. Click the Start Using SketchUp button and delete the human figure that appears within the Engineering–Feet template.
  2. Click the Rectangle tool in the toolbar (shown in Figure 3.3).
  3. Move the mouse to one corner of the new rectangle you’re about to draw and click the mouse.
  4. Move the mouse to the opposite corner of the rectangle and click it. SketchUp will draw the rectangle, as shown in Figure 3.3.

As you can see, it’s simple to draw rectangles.

FIGURE 3.3 Drawing a rectangle.

TIP: Dragging Rectangles
You can also press the mouse button at one corner of the rectangle and then drag the mouse to the opposite corner, then release the mouse to draw the rectangle. It’s easier to click the mouse once in one corner and then in the opposite corner if you’re creating measured rectangles. See the next task.

Drawing Measured Rectangles

You can also give SketchUp the dimensions you want your rectangle to be as you draw it.

Here’s how to create measured rectangles:
1. Click the Start Using SketchUp button and delete the human figure that appears within the Engineering–Feet template.
2. Click the Rectangle tool in the toolbar.
3. Move the mouse to one corner of the new rectangle you’re about to draw and click the mouse.
4. Move the mouse toward the opposite corner of the new rectangle.
5. Enter the dimensions of the new rectangle, separated by commas. You can enter these units:

  • cm to signify centimeters
  • m to signify meters
  • ' for feet
  • " for inches.

For example, to draw a rectangle of 5 meters by 6 meters, enter 5m, 6m.

6. Press Enter. SketchUp draws the new rectangle with the length you’ve requested.

Being able to set the dimensions of rectangles is useful for drawing plans, as in engineering and architectural drawings.

Thanks :
Steven Holzner,
SamsTeachYourself Google SketchUp 8 in 10 Minutes