LESSON 4-8 : Drawing Text

Drawing Text

You can also draw text in SketchUp, and sometimes that’s crucial, as when you might want to label the parts of an architectural drawing. For example, take a look at Figure 4.9, which shows a cube, and some text, “Cube.”

How did that text get there? Here’s how:

1. Click the Start Using SketchUp button and click the human figure that appears in the Engineering–Feet template to select it; press the Del key to delete it.

2. Select the View, Toolbars, Large Tool Set menu item. This will open the large toolset toolbar.

3. Click the Text tool in the large toolbar. The Text tool is the one that displays the letters ABC (as shown in Figure 4.9).

FIGURE 4.9 The Text tool and some text in a drawing.

4. Move the mouse to the location you want to place your text and click the mouse. A box with the prompt Enter Text appears at the location of the mouse for you to enter text in.

5. Enter your text.

6. Click outside the box to make the box’s outline disappear.

It’s important to realize that this text is free-floating; it’s not part of the model you’re drawing. Thus, for example, if you use the Pan tool to move the cube, the text doesn’t follow, as you see in Figure 4.10.

So how do you connect text to a model or surface so that it will move and orbit with that model or surface? Take a look at the next task.

FIGURE 4.10 Text stays in place as you move the model.

TIP : The Proper Use for Screen Text
A good use for the free-floating screen text displayed by the steps in this task is to label an entire drawing. Then the drawing label doesn’t change, no matter how you change the model view.

Thanks :
Steven Holzner,
SamsTeachYourself Google SketchUp 8 in 10 Minutes