LESSON 7-1 : Examining All Materials in Your Model

Posted by | 5:43 AM
Examining All Materials in Your Model Want to take a look at all the textures in your model at once? You can do that in SketchUp. To see...

LESSON 7-2 : Painting Objects

Posted by | 6:49 PM
Painting For example, take a look at Figure 7.1, where you can see a cube of wood. FIGURE 7.1 A cube Or is it? It certainly doesn’t...

LESSON 7-3 : Selecting Materials

Posted by | 6:51 PM
Selecting Materials Let’s say you want to draw a tile floor. How would you select that texture to paint it? Follow these steps: 1. Cli...

LESSON 7-4 : Eliminating Automatic Shading

Posted by | 6:55 PM
Eliminating Automatic Shading You might have noticed that SketchUp automatically shades the objects it draws. So, for example, the top of ...

LESSON 7-5 : Drawing in Solid Color

Posted by | 7:01 PM
Drawing in Solid Color Let’s say you wanted a pink circle. That’s it, just a plain pink circle. No texture, just plain color. How would yo...

LESSON 7-6 : Painting Multiple Surfaces at Once

Posted by | 7:38 PM
Painting Multiple Surfaces at Once You can paint multiple surfaces at once, which is great if you’re trying to select from among different...

LESSON 7-7 : Creating Materials

Posted by | 7:50 PM
Creating Materials What if you can’t find the material you’re looking for in the materials browser? What if your material doesn’t seem to ...

LESSON 7-8 : Editing Materials

Posted by | 7:55 PM
Editing Materials Want to edit a material you’ve created? Just follow these steps: 1. Click the Start Using SketchUp button. 2. Selec...

LESSON 7-9 : Replacing All of a Material in a Drawing

Posted by | 8:03 PM
Replacing All of a Material in a Drawing Take a look at the cubes in Figure 7.14, all surfaces of which are painted with bricks. FIGU...

LESSON 7-10 : Sampling Existing Materials

Posted by | 8:28 PM
Sampling Existing Materials If you open a drawing that has materials unfamiliar to you, you can sample those materials and see if SketchUp...

LESSON 7-11 : Undoing Changes and Canceling Operations

Posted by | 8:39 PM
Undoing Changes and Canceling Operations Paint a surface and then wish you hadn’t? SketchUp can undo the change. In fact, nearly every o...