LESSON 7-11 : Undoing Changes and Canceling Operations

Undoing Changes and Canceling Operations

Paint a surface and then wish you hadn’t? SketchUp can undo the change.

In fact, nearly every operation you perform in SketchUp can be undone; from drawing a line to painting a surface, or even deleting an object.

To undo an operation, select the Edit menu’s Undo item. The operation will be undone and the drawing will be restored to its previous condition. You can also press Ctrl + Backspace (Option + Z on the Mac) to do the same thing.

What if you’ve started an operation and want to cancel it? For example, suppose you started drawing a line and then changed your mind, but the Line tool is still stretching a line from the point you clicked to the present mouse location as you move the mouse.

Just press the Esc key. That cancels any operation that you’ve started and gets you out of it.

Thanks :
Steven Holzner,
SamsTeachYourself Google SketchUp 8 in 10 Minutes