LESSON 2-5 : Using the Zoom Tool

Using the Zoom Tool

The Zoom tool lets you zoom in and out of the display—that is, magnify your view, if you want to. That’s great to see the smaller details of a model.

Here’s how to put the Zoom tool to work:
1. Click the Start Using SketchUp button. This opens SketchUp with the Simple Template we’ve set as the default in the previous tasks.

2. Click the Zoom tool in the toolbar (shown in Figure 2.12).

FIGURE 2.12 Using the Zoom tool.

3. Press the mouse button in SketchUp’s display.

4. Drag the mouse upward to zoom the display in and drag downward to zoom the display out. When you do, the whole display zooms in and out without changing angle or perspective, as you can see in Figure 2.12.

The Zoom tool gives you a way of magnifying your models—very handy at times.

TIP: Using the Mouse Wheel to Zoom If your mouse has a wheel on it, you can zoom in and out just by thumbing the wheel—even if a tool such as the Select tool is selected and not the Zoom tool.

Thanks :
Steven Holzner,
SamsTeachYourself Google SketchUp 8 in 10 Minutes