LESSON 2-2 : Understanding the Parts of SketchUp

Understanding the Parts of SketchUp

As with most applications, you need to become familiar with the basic elements. Let’s take a look at the various parts of SketchUp, as shown in Figure 2.8.

FIGURE 2.8 The parts of SketchUp.

As you’d expect, SketchUp comes with the normal parts of most applications
you’re familiar with :

  • The menu bar—Includes familiar menus such as File, Edit, and so on. We’ll be making use of the items in SketchUp’s menus throughout this book.

NOTE: The Getting Started Toolbars Note that by default, SketchUp shows only its Getting Started toolbar, which is the toolbar you see in Figure 2.8. To see the full tool set, select the View menu, then the Toolbars item, then the Large Tool Set menu item.

  • The toolbar—Includes various drawing tools, as you can see labeled in Figure 2.8.
  • The status bar—Contains buttons to show you who designed the current item open in SketchUp, information about the current item, and a Help button (the button with the question mark caption) that turns the Instructor dialog box on and off.

That’s SketchUp in overview. Now let’s start using some tools.

Thanks :
Steven Holzner,
SamsTeachYourself Google SketchUp 8 in 10 Minutes