Creating Exact Offsets
Because this is SketchUp, you might assume you can create measured offsets of exactly a precise length offset from the surrounding edges—and you’d be right.Suppose, for example, that you draw a cube and want a surface drawn on one face offset from the surrounding edges by exactly one foot. Can you do it? Yes, you can; just follow these steps:
1. Click the Start Using SketchUp button.
2. Select the Rectangle tool and draw a horizontal rectangle.
3. Select the Push/Pull tool in the toolbar and pull the rectangle up into a cube.
4. From the Large Tool Set select the Offset tool (open the Large Tool Set from the View menu if necessary).
5. Click the surface you want to create the offset on. The surface becomes selected when you click it.
6. Enter the size of the offset you want. In this example, we’ll create a one-foot offset. In general, you enter a length and then the units-you can use these units:
- cm to signify centimeters
- m to signify meters
- ' for feet
- " for inches
Thus, for example, 1' means one foot, so type '.
7. Press Enter. The offset appears, as you see in Figure 9.10.
FIGURE 9.10 A measured offset.
That’s the way to measure offsets.
Thanks :
Steven Holzner,
SamsTeachYourself Google SketchUp 8 in 10 Minutes