Measuring Distances with the Tape Measure
The Tape Measure tool lets you measure distances handily in your model. When you’re drawing plans to scale, that can be indispensable.
FIGURE 9.13 An offset inside an offset.
In this example, we’ll draw a cube and then measure one face. Here’s how it works:
1. Click the Start Using SketchUp button.
2. Select the Rectangle tool and draw a horizontal rectangle.
3. Select the Push/Pull tool in the toolbar and pull the rectangle up into a cube.
4. Select the Tape Measure tool in the Getting Started toolbar (shown in Figure 9.14).
FIGURE 9.14 Using the Tape Measure tool.
5. Click the mouse button on one edge of the cube. This anchors the Tape Measure tool to the location you’ve clicked.
6. Move the mouse to the opposite edge of the cube. You can see this at work in Figure 9.14.
You can see the width of the cube face in two places in Figure 9.14 - in a ToolTip at the location of the Tape Measure tool (which reads 7.473') and in the Value Control Box, or VCB, at the lower right in SketchUp.
TIP: Measurements Are Always Available
Note that the measurement in the ToolTip disappears after a moment, but the measurement is always displayed in the Value Control Box.
That’s the way you can measure distances in SketchUp using the Tape Measure tool and the Value Control Box.
TIP: Canceling the Tape Measure Tool
After you press the mouse button and begin moving the Tape Measure tool around your drawing, it’ll keep measuring distances no matter where you move the mouse. That’s great if you have multiple distances to measure, but eventually you’ll want to turn off the Tape Measure tool. To turn it off, select another tool, or press the Esc key.
Thanks :
Steven Holzner,
SamsTeachYourself Google SketchUp 8 in 10 Minutes