LESSON 3-1 : Drawing Shapes: Lines, Rectangles, Polygons, and Circles

Drawing Shapes: Lines, Rectangles, Polygons, and Circles

In this lesson, you’ll see how to create shapes—rectangles, circles, arcs, and so on. Those are the basic shapes you create other shapes from in SketchUp, and learning how to handle each of these is important.

Getting Started

Bear in mind that what you learned about edges and surfaces in the previous lesson applies here. In particular, it’s important to make sure that you don’t draw any edge over any other edge.

TIP: Crossing Edges
If it looks like you have to draw figures that cross edges, such as a line going across a rectangle, don’t. Instead, draw the line up to the rectangle’s edge, then draw a new line inside the rectangle to continue. Always remember: don’t cross edges, because it confuses SketchUp. We’ll see when you can bend this rule later.

Let’s jump in immediately by drawing some lines (that is, edges).

TIP: Selecting a Template
In this and the following lessons, we’re going to be using the Engineering template in SketchUp so that we have no background to get in the way. You’re free to select your own template, of course (see Lesson 2, “Up and Running with SketchUp”), but the Engineering background gives you a clean, empty canvas without any distracting background, so it’s recommended when you’re just starting out in SketchUp.

Thanks :
Steven Holzner,
SamsTeachYourself Google SketchUp 8 in 10 Minutes