LESSON 4-11 : Drawing 3D Text

Drawing 3D Text

SketchUp also lets you draw 3D text with the 3D text tool. For example, take a look at the 3D text that appears in Figure 4.16.

FIGURE 4.16 Using the 3D text tool.

It’s important to note that 3D text is treated as a shape, unlike 2D text. 3D text becomes part of the model, whereas standard 2D screen text does not. And even while annotated text becomes part of the model, it’s only there to tag parts of the model, not become part of it. The text in Figure 4.16 is part of the model and appears as a structural element in the model.

So, whereas 2D text is used for labeling, 3D text becomes a structural element in the model itself.

TIP: Making 2D Text Part of the Model
Want to make 2D text part of the model? Just use 3D text, setting the text “extrusion” (see step 6) to zero.

Here’s how to draw in 3D:

1. Click the Start Using SketchUp button and click the human figure that appears in the Engineering–Feet template to select it; press the Del key to delete it.

2. Select the ViewToolbarsLarge Tool Set menu item. This opens the large toolset toolbar.

3. Click the 3D Text tool in the large toolbar (shown in Figure 4.16). The dialog box, labeled Place 3D Text, appears, as you see in Figure 4.17.

FIGURE 4.17 Customizing 3D text.

4. Enter the text you want to make 3D in the large text box.

5. Select the FontAlignmentText style (Regular or Bold), and whether you want the characters to appear filled in.

6. Enter the height of the characters you want (using ' for feet, " for inches, m for meters, or cm for centimeters) in the Height box and the 3D depth you want to give to the characters in the Extruded box.

7. Click the Place button. The dialog box disappears, and the text appears as a model element that is selected and that moves as the mouse moves.

8. Move the mouse to move the text and then click the mouse to place the text in the model. The text will align to any axis or surface, just as any other model element.

That’s it—you can now add 3D text to models using the 3D Text tool.

Thanks :
Steven Holzner,
SamsTeachYourself Google SketchUp 8 in 10 Minutes