LESSON 4-10 : Setting Text Properties

Setting Text Properties

What if you wanted to display your annotation text in a large, italic font, as shown in Figure 4.13?
Just follow these steps to customize your text:

1. Click the Select tool. The mouse cursor will change to an arrow.

2. Right-click the text whose properties you want to change. A context menu appears.

FIGURE 4.13 Annotating in large italic text.

3. Select the Entity Info menu item. SketchUp displays a dialog box labeled Entity Info.

4. Click the Change Font button in the Entity Info dialog box. The Font dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 4.14.

FIGURE 4.14 Setting text properties.

5. Select the FontFont Style, and Size you want for the text in the Font dialog box.

6. Click the OK button to close the Font dialog box.

7. Click the X button at the upper right to close the Entity Info dialog box. SketchUp adjusts the text as you’ve requested.

These steps let you change the font of one selection of text. But what if you have a dozen text items all around the screen?

You can change all the text in your drawing at once if you select Model Info from the Window menu. The dialog box you see in Figure 4.15 appears.

FIGURE 4.15 Setting all text properties.

Select the Text item in the left pane. To set the properties of free-floating screen text, click the Select All Screen Text button, and then click the Font button above it to display the Font dialog box, which will let you set the text properties for all screen text.

To set the text properties of the text used for annotation, click the Select All Leader Text button and then click the Font button above it to display the Font dialog box. You can then set the text properties for all annotation text.

TIP: Setting Arrows for Text
In the Entity Info box, you can also change the text displayed, as well as the style of arrow used to connect the text to the surface or edge.

Thanks :
Steven Holzner,
SamsTeachYourself Google SketchUp 8 in 10 Minutes