LESSON 4-7 : Drawing Surfaces Freehand

Drawing Surfaces Freehand

In addition to freehand figures of the kind you see in Figure 4.7, you can also draw complete surfaces in SketchUp. After you complete a surface, SketchUp will color it in automatically.

Essentially, you draw freehand figures as detailed in the previous task with an additional step: Close the figure you’re drawing. When you close the figure, SketchUp can treat it as a completed surface and fills it in. You can see a few surfaces drawn freehand in Figure 4.8.

Note that it’s quite difficult to draw accurate surfaces freehand, and that you usually draw elaborate surfaces as conglomerations of simpler surfaces from the toolbar.

FIGURE 4.8 Drawing surfaces freehand.

Thanks :
Steven Holzner,
SamsTeachYourself Google SketchUp 8 in 10 Minutes