LESSON 4-6 : Drawing Freehand

Drawing Freehand

Drawing freehand couldn’t be easier in one sense—you just drag the mouse; but it also couldn’t be harder in another—if you want to draw figures with any accuracy, it’s extraordinarily difficult to do so with the

NOTE: You’re Not Actually Drawing Freehand
If you were actually drawing entirely freehand, each location of the mouse would appear as a dot as you moved over it. But because there are only a limited number of mouse events per second, SketchUp draws the mouse locations it gets and then connects the dots with line segments. So if you draw very rapidly, your figures might end up looking more like interconnected lines.

Here’s how to use the freehand tool :

1. Click the Start Using SketchUp button and click the human figure that appears in the Engineering–Feet template to select it; press the Del key to delete it.

2. Select the View, Toolbars, Large Tool Set menu item. This will open the large toolset toolbar.

3. Click the Freehand tool in the large toolbar (as shown in Figure 4.7).

4. Move the mouse to the location you want to start drawing from.

5. Press the mouse button and drag the mouse to draw the figure you want. SketchUp draws the figure following the mouse.

You can see an example in Figure 4.7.

Note that you can’t “fix” a freehand drawing on the pixel level in SketchUp—the only practical thing is to start over.

FIGURE 4.7 Drawing freehand with the Freehand tool.

Thanks :
Steven Holzner,
SamsTeachYourself Google SketchUp 8 in 10 Minutes