LESSON 1-10 : Creating Guides and Dimension Indicators

Creating Guides and Dimension Indicators

There are all kinds of construction aids in SketchUp as well. For example, take a look at Figure 1.25, where you can see a cube with some construction guides added.

Construction guides can be positioned anywhere in a drawing, and you can use them to align objects. As you can see, they appear as dotted lines in a drawing, and if you wanted to add another cube lined up with the current one, you could use those guides to help.

FIGURE 1.25 A cube with construction guides.

You can also add dimensioning indicators to a drawing, as you see in Figure 1.26.

Those dimensions will change as you resize an object. Lesson 10, “Dimensioning, Drawing Angles, and Getting Cross Sections of Models” is where you will find more on this topic.

Thanks :
Steven Holzner,
SamsTeachYourself Google SketchUp 8 in 10 Minutes