LESSON 1-4 : Pushing (or Pulling) for 3D

Pushing (or Pulling) for 3D

Converting objects from 2D to 3D in SketchUp is one of the coolest things you can do. How does it work? You draw a 2D shape, and then pull (or push) it into 3D.

For example, take a look at the polygon shape shown previously in Figure 1.5, the one with the rectangles on its sides. SketchUp recognizes the rectangles as shapes, and so lets you pull them into 3D from the surrounding surface using such tools as the Push/Pull tool.

For example, using the Push/Pull tool, you can push in the inner rectangle in each face of the object, as you see in Figure 1.6. All you do is select the Push/Pull tool, press the mouse button on the shape you want to push or pull into 3D, and, holding the mouse button down, push or pull the shape. It’ll be pushed into or pulled out of the surrounding surface, as you see in Figure 1.6.

FIGURE 1.6 A 3D object.

You can the elaborate the object by pulling out the larger rectangles into 3D, as you see in Figure 1.7.

A couple more clicks let you add more structure to the object, as you see in Figure 1.8.

Using the Push/Pull tool, you can also cut out sections of existing objects to create holes, or windows, in those objects, as you see in Figure 1.9.

Thanks :
Steven Holzner,
SamsTeachYourself Google SketchUp 8 in 10 Minutes