LESSON 1-7 : Painting


Google SketchUp lets you paint the objects you create. You can paint them with solid colors, and you can select from dozens of textures as well.

For example, say you want to draw three wooden crates. You draw three cubes as shown in Figure 1.17, but they don’t look much like wooden crates.

FIGURE 1.17 Three cubes.

Using the Paint tool and selecting a texture, you can paint them to look like wooden crates with a few clicks, as you can see in Figure 1.18 (in black in white in this book, of course).

SketchUp provides the board-by-board texture and aligns the boards to the various surfaces automatically. All you have to do is click a surface to paint on. You’ll learn more about painting in Lesson 7, “Painting Your

FIGURE 1.18 Three crates.

Thanks :
Steven Holzner,
SamsTeachYourself Google SketchUp 8 in 10 Minutes