LESSON 1-11 : Lots of Cool Stuff Coming Up

Lots of Cool Stuff Coming Up

There is a lot of cool stuff coming up, such as the Follow-Me tool, which lets you specify a path and a shape, as you see in Figure 1.27.

With the Follow-Me tool, you can make SketchUp move the shape along the path you’ve specified, resulting in a new object, as you see in Figure 1.28.

Suppose you had a model of a playground, as shown in Figure 1.29.

FIGURE 1.26 Dimensions added to a drawing.

FIGURE 1.27 A shape and a path.

FIGURE 1.28 A new object.

FIGURE 1.29 A playground.

You can take a cross section of the model anywhere you want to get a clearer view of various components, as you see in Figure 1.30.

FIGURE 1.30 A sectioned playground.

You can even do 3D text, as you see in Figure 1.31.

With all this coming up, let’s dig in immediately to the next lesson and get you up and running with SketchUp!

FIGURE 1.31 3D text.

Thanks :
Steven Holzner,
SamsTeachYourself Google SketchUp 8 in 10 Minutes