LESSON 8-5 : Scaling 2D Objects

Scaling 2D Objects

You can use the Scale tool to enlarge or reduce objects in SketchUp. Here’s how the Scale tool works for 2D objects :

1. Click the Start Using SketchUp button.

2. Select the Rectangle tool and draw a horizontal rectangle.

3. Select the View menu’s Toolbars item. This opens a submenu.

4. Select the submenu’s Large Tool Set item. This opens the large toolbar.

5. Select the Scale tool in the large toolbar. The Scale tool is the tool that displays an image of a rectangle being expanded.

6. Click the horizontal rectangle. The rectangle has sizing handles added to it, as you can see in Figure 8.10.

FIGURE 8.10 The Scale tool and sizing handles added to a rectangle.

7. Press the mouse button on a sizing handle. The sizing handle you choose determines how the rectangle will be stretched when you move the mouse, just as when you resize a window.

8. Drag the mouse to stretch the rectangle in the direction you’ve chosen. The rectangle stretches as you pull it.

9. Release the mouse button. When you do, the rectangle is fixed in place at its new size, as shown in Figure 8.11.

FIGURE 8.11 A newly resized rectangle.

That’s all it takes to resize objects—just use the Scale tool.

TIP: Stretching Objects in Different Directions
Note that if you pull one of the corner sizing handles, the object will be scaled so that it retains its proportions in both dimensions. But if you pull on an edge sizing handle, not a corner one, the object will be pulled in only the corresponding dimension, deforming the object.

Thanks :
Steven Holzner,
SamsTeachYourself Google SketchUp 8 in 10 Minutes