LESSON 8-10 : Using the Follow-Me Tool

Using the Follow-Me Tool

The Follow-Me tool lets you drag shapes down a path you specify. Take a look at the object in Figure 8.17.

FIGURE 8.17 A curved object drawn using the Follow-Me tool.

Sketchup 2013

Can you draw that in SketchUp?

You sure can. All you need to do is to draw a circle, set up a curved path, then move the circle along the curved path with the Follow-Me tool (also shown in Figure 8.17). The Follow-Me tool lets you move shapes along paths to make them 3D. Here’s how creating the shape shown in Figure 8.17 works:

1. Click the Start Using SketchUp button.

2. Select the Circle tool and draw a circle like the one shown in Figure 8.18.

FIGURE 8.18 A circle.

3. Select the Arc tool in the toolbar.

4. Click the mouse in your drawing at one end of the path you want to pull the circle along.

5. Click the mouse at the other end point of the path you want to pull the circle along.

6. Pull the arc into the shape you want the circle to be pulled along to create your 3D object.

7. Select the Select tool.

8. Click the circle to select it.

9. Select the Move tool.

10. Move the circle to the end of the arc, as shown in Figure 8.19.

FIGURE 8.19 A circle with an arc.

11. From the Large Tool Set select the Follow-Me tool (open the Large Tool Set from the View menu if necessary).

12. Now we’re ready to use the Follow-Me tool. If the circle isn’t selected, select it with the Select tool and then select the Follow-Me tool again.

13. Use the mouse to drag the circle along the arc. The Follow-Me tool senses that you’re following the arc and keeps the circle moving along it to draw the shape you see in Figure 8.17.

TIP: You Don’t Have to Drag the Follow-Me Tool
You don’t have to drag the Follow-Me tool along a path if you don’t want to. Simply select the edges that form the path you want with the Select tool so they appear as dotted lines (and form a connected path). Then select the Follow-Me tool and click the shape you want to have the Follow-Me tool drag around the path you selected automatically.

The Follow-Me tool is invaluable if you want to create a shape by moving another shape along a certain path.

Thanks :
Steven Holzner,
SamsTeachYourself Google SketchUp 8 in 10 Minutes