LESSON 8-9 : Setting Exact Scale

Setting Exact Scale

What if you had an object and you wanted to expand it by exactly a factor of two? You can set the exact amount you resize an object by with the Scale tool as follows, where we’re expanding a cube by a factor of two:

1. Click the Start Using SketchUp button.

2. Select the Rectangle tool and draw a horizontal rectangle.

3. Select the Push/Pull tool in the toolbar and pull the rectangle up into a cube.

4. Select the Select tool in the toolbar.

5. Draw a selection rectangle around the cube with the mouse.

6. Release the mouse button. When you do, the cube is selected.

7. From the Large Tool Set select the Scale tool (open the Large Tool Set from the View menu if necessary).

8. Press the mouse button on a sizing handle.

9. Drag the mouse to stretch the cube in the direction you want.

10. Release the mouse button.

11. Enter the factor by which you want to scale the cube. In this example, we’ll scale the cube by a factor of two, so type 2.

12. Press Enter. When you do, the cube is expanded from its original
size by a factor of two.

TIP: Factors Greater Than One Are Not Needed
Note that you can scale to a factor less than one if desired. Factors of less than one will reduce an object’s size. For example, a factor of 0.5 will reduce an object to half its original size.

And that’s setting exact scale.

Thanks :
Steven Holzner,
SamsTeachYourself Google SketchUp 8 in 10 Minutes